Monday, July 11, 2011

Polonaise Heroics

I don't expect anyone to understand me.  The way I do things and how I choose to live my life.  I know I am a shut in, but I still go outside.  I prefer seclusion to being in a room with a large group of people. I work better in casual settings and I prefer to stay where I am comfortable.

A friend, from high-school, came to visit and we got to talking.  His worldview has changed SO much from when we first met that he has begun to scare me.  This line he fed me about being a warrior and that his life is virtually perfect because he is with someone that allows him to be a promiscuous bastard... excuse my language.  I know his girlfriend or whatever they are now because I was informed they had just broken up.  She must have been bothered considering she's now on anti-anxiety/depression medication.  If he's not catching those signs I might have to smack a bitch... namely him.  Because I have known his ex longer then I have him and much longer then I care to remember.  I can honestly say that she is one of the few women I have said the L-word to... I am a firm believer on not saying things unless you honestly believe them... doesn't help that I'm a terrible liar to boot, lol  But just like when they began dating I reminded him that if he hurt her in any way, shape or form that he was placing his resignation on our friendship.  I know it might have been a little over-the-top but I care more for her well being then his.  He'll survive... he always does, she on the other hand...  I been told I am a bit of a worrier but that tells you that I am invested... if I didnt care I wouldn't go to the lengths that I do to make sure she's doing alright.  I know she doesn't need me but I just like reminding her that I support her.  A little sad since I think I largely come off as an annoyance.

But that wasn't the reason I was writing this... I wanted to update the old blog since I haven't since the trip to Canada... which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I've begun my first formal deadline... by the end of July I will finish the edits to Miasma Angels: Book 1... hold the applause...  I am dead-set on getting caught up and DONE with book 1...  Also I will be doing the cover art, so if anyone knows a good place to picture trees, lol, kidding.  I'll figure it out.  But will with any luck be posting more often again!