Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So yeah, I wasn't home at all last night so I didn't get much written but I did get to read (no harry potter 4 but you know I'm taking my time with Harry and his crew, lol.)  Mike called me last night and reminded me that they wanted me to come to St. Cloud with them for his leg refitting.  Yay... er, not so much.  Got over to Kara's around 10 last night and watched Mike play his baseball game for an hour then he watched Hawaii 5-0 and I read this secret society book Kara had left at the 'rents.  Then Kara got home and after she did her after work ritual we watched 2 episodes of Red Green... then they went to bed and I watched American Dad/Family Guy then read a little more and went to bed... that was around 3:15 right at 7 o'clock Mike's alarm started going off and he took his sweet time to turn it off (by sweet time I mean 10-15 minutes.  That's a stubborn alarm, lol.)  Then he woke up and chugged through the house (there is no honest way to describe the sound his walker makes as he shuffles around.)  The step-nephew was off to school and I pretended to stay asleep to avoid awkward conversations.

We were 20 minutes late for his appointment and I stayed in the waiting room, playing my ds while Mike was refitted and measured.  This is the first time since the wedding I've seen him dawn his leg.  And I don't know why it irks me so much that he doesn't use it but it does.  I guess I always imagine what if it was me in that position.  You know I wouldn't let losing my leg stop me!  He just doesn't have the drive and it really seems like a shame.

So after that we bummed around crossroads for a while and Kara decided to buy a ring. (maybe it's a female thing or just my sister but she purchases jewelery for the strangest reasons?)  I saw at one of the kiosks that they had a copy of Bomberman Hero... I wish I hadn't sold my n64 when I was 14... I loved that game SO much and I think someday I will try and get it again.  Anyways, then I got home after some magical vehicle swapping and got home to see my facebook was hacked... ugh.  So I changed the password, again (this is #6) and talked to a old RPing buddy.  So there's the update.  I have to think of what to have for dinner and then I'm gonna try working on MA some.  I've been thinking about it more and feeling rejuvenated at the idea of working on it.

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