Friday, May 27, 2011

the day things happen.

Well it's the day of my birth (I'm not a fan of the day but I'm usually in a bad mood on my birthday... go figure.)  So yeah, working on the book has slowed down again.  Well I'm going to start writing later today.  Since con I haven't felt very positive, but that's because I saw my "friends" and for the most part the ones that showed up act like I should be on my knees rimming them out because they are such high-level beings and I'm the lowest form of life in the evolutionary chain.  One even emailed me after the weekend and told me I was rude for not thanking him for being there a whole half-hour...  but at least with the book the bad things that happen are only words on a page.  Then have depth and meaning to me but their only words, ones that I believe in.

I have to make the day better.  I'm great at a lot of things.  And I cannot continue to allow myself to be hurt by these people who only come to see me when they have been dumped or in need of sleeping 20+ hours a day.  Now if only one of the places I applied at would call me for an interview or better yet I got hired finally.  Now that would make a good birthday present, lol.

1 comment:

  1. One bit of advice: GET NEW FRIENDS.

    Those people sound like jerks and don't need to bring you down. Remember Gandhi's saying, "You cannot hurt me without my permission." Don't give it to them. You're awesome, Shay. Truly.

    Happy Birthday and kick some ass at that story today. ;)
